Living Montessori English - Birgitta Berger, Modell der englischen Zeitformen


The English tenses model brings the variety of English verb forms into a clear and comprehensible order and makes the linguistic patterns and logic of the English language visible.

It locates the many ways in which the English language can express actions and situations in a clear representation.

"The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once."
Albert Einstein

Living Montessori English - Birgitta Berger, Englische Zeitformen Buchdeckel Schrift und Rückseite

The book English Tenses - Tenses model for English lessons based on Montessori principles offers 191 pages of instructions for the step-by-step development of the tenses model in English lessons or for self-study.

The learners become language researchers who approach the world language English with confidence and curiosity.

Tenses and aspects are explained in parallel in German and English, so you can switch between the languages ​​when reading the main part.

Tenses, aspects and mood are best understood in context, in the context of a real life situation.
Photos and images are used to tell short stories and formulate example sentences that create this context and clearly support the respective statement and form used.

Living Montessori English - Birgitta Berger, Modell der englischen Zeitformen
Living Montessori English - Birgitta Berger, Modell der englischen Zeitformen

The English Tenses material is also available as a tabletop version.

The material is identical in content to the large material (for laying out on the floor), including all overviews.

Pictures, example sentences and word type strips are reduced in size so that the tense model can be conveniently laid out on a table for individual, partner and small group work.

Living Montessori English - Birgitta Berger, Modell der englischen Zeitformen

For the tabletop version you can order the matching red felt circle and black felt strips.

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