The content at a glance
(and excerpts from the book)
1. Introduction
The tense model brings the variety of English verb forms into a clear and comprehensible order and makes the linguistic patterns and logic of the English language visible. It locates the many ways in which the English language can express actions and situations in a clear presentation.
2. The narrative
The representation of English verbs, tenses and aspects in the tense model is in the tradition of the holistic approach of Montessori pedagogy and in the tradition of the great narratives. The model is built up and expanded step by step in the course of a narrative with the images and example sentences until a complete overview of all tenses and aspects is created at the end.
The tense model forms the starting point for learners to make independent discoveries in the world of the English language. The form of the narrative in the sense of Montessori pedagogy is used to stimulate the listeners' own imagination with words, images, symmetries and symbols and at the same time to create a frame of reference that learners can refer to again and again.
In the book, the story is presented bilingually, German on the left, English on the right. In class, each teacher decides for themselves how much English and how much German they want to use in the presentation.
3. Use in class
4. Verb forms and sentence patterns with Motessori word class symbols
5. Material part
6. Appendix